Monday, June 10, 2013

Jordanelle State Park, Utah

Our first "real" destination was Jordanelle State Park in Utah, right outside of Park City. The intention was to use this time to transition into relaxing (yes, apparently we need to transition) and getting used to the motorhome. This was the perfect location: quiet, beautiful, and lots of places to explore.

Jordanelle Reservoir - a bit low because of limited snowfall during the winter
Lots of beauty to enjoy
Our motorhome is hiding behind the trees on the other side of the lake
A happy couple posing while on the first of many bike rides
Old mining carts on the left, old cyclist on the right
Beautiful and fun path around the lake
Who is that on the old deserted road?
Oh look, it's Crystal!
Crystal pondering the end of her own road
Mike riding confidently into a beautiful future

We also took some time to check out Park City, Utah. Given it is a ski town, we had more fun during the summer than we thought we would. The one day we went exploring was not nearly enough time. We will have plenty to do next time we go.

The silly self-photo routine as we take the lift up the mountain
The lower parts of the concrete slide down the mountain (many sharp corners higher up)
Crystal blazing down the slide and still able to offer a wave
Mike & Crystal on the self-controlled (speed) roller coaster
Crystal pushing forward for more speed on the roller coaster
Mike holding on for dear life
The motorhome doesn't look nearly as huge from this perspective
Our cute little friend we saw on the hike up the mountain
A trusted source told us this is a marmot

Coming up . . . Beautiful pictures from the red rocks of Moab, Utah.

1 comment:

  1. "Old cyclist on the right". LOL That's a cute marmot, too. He looks pretty well fed...
