Friday, June 28, 2013

Final adventures in Moab

So, internet connection continues to be an issue. Overall, it is a good thing that we are disconnected from the internet and having a great time in the real world. However, it has delayed the sharing of our great time with others. So it goes.

Below are a few remaining pictures from Moab and Arches National Park. We had fun, but the heat forced us indoors during the hot afternoons. We chose not to take pictures of us enjoying the forced relaxation in the air-conditioned motorhome. You are welcome!

For the bike geeks out there: Poison Spider Bicycles, Moab's best bike shop
Mike cautiously riding near the cliff edge; Crystal taking the picture while uncomfortably screaming for Mike to get away from the cliff edge
Crystal riding on the fantastic bike path that runs from Moab, past Arches National Park, towards some of the ridiculously fun singletrack trails we were able to enjoy
Mike bravely saving the helpless green shrub from certain death
A huge hole in the rock (see the tiny people?) that we couldn't be bothered to get out of the motorhome for (it was still a bit hot for our liking)
We were very excited to see some of the beautiful rock formations in Arches National Park
Some of the rock formations were very excited to see us as well!

Next up: Movin' on to Fruita, Colorado for more biking fun

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