Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Colorado River Cruise (Moab, Utah)

We have been riding our bikes for hours and hours on a daily basis and it has been terrific. It feels great to be physically active so consistently and see such wonderful sights, not to mention it is just fun to ride mountain bikes. But, to be honest, we are lazy sometimes. 

However, laziness hasn't affected our desire to explore. Enter the Colorado River Cruise. We got to sit there and fly down the river while seeing the beautiful sheer cliffs towering over the Colorado River. We also got to see rock climbers and beavers (actual animals, not naked female climbers).

The Captain of our vessel, full of horrible jokes and puns, made the cruise really fun

The camera doesn't seem to capture how cool things looked from the boat (you will have to take our word for it)

The sheer cliffs shoot almost straight up from the river. Again, "the camera" didn't do a very good job of getting the enormity of the cliffs in the frame.

A rock climber was having a fun time repelling down the cliff (you can see her in the previous shot if you look closely)

Beautiful Crystal chilling out and looking cool (an amazing feat considering the temperature was close to 100 degrees)

The river continuing its work of wearing down the rock year by year

After the cruise and a delicious meal of meat and potatoes, we noticed this fun bike thing (for lack of a better term). Your descriptions are welcome.

Next up: Our final adventures in Moab

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