Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Water leak in the motorhome

Not everything has been perfect on our trip. Close, but not quite.

After doing a few water related things in the motorhome, we noticed that there was water flowing through the kitchen. We are new to motorhoming, but we guessed it was not supposed to do that. Mike brought some tools, so he got to work investigating the mystery. 

It started out small, but got a bit out of control.

Mike starting small by removing the vent and looking under the sink
Mike having way too much fun, using the leak as an excuse to dismantle the motorhome
The fun reaches an end and the experts must be called
The experts (crammed into a very tight space) save the day!

After much sweating on a 100 degree day, the broken pipe was repaired and we were ready to move on to other adventures.

Next up: Colorado river cruise

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